Lead Turbo Prop Pilot
Total Hours:
- 3,700 Flight (49 different aircraft)
- ME
- Master of Science, Flight test Engineering – Air University
- Graduate, Distinguished Graduate – US Air Force Test Pilot School
- Bachelor of Science, Aerospace Engineering – US Naval Academy
- LtCol, USMC (16.5 years)
- Lt Col, USAF Reserves (2 years)
- USAF Test Pilot School Instructor
Instructor Specialties:
- Fixed Wing Flying Qualities
- Upset Recognition & Recovery
- Operational Test and Evaluation
- Developmental Test and Evaluation
- Canard Transition and Flying Qualities
Awards & Affiliations:
- Defense Meritorious Service Medal
- Meritorious Service Medal
- Navy Commendation Medal (2)
- Air Medal (3)
- Sea Service Ribbon
- USAF Test Pilot School, Liethen-Tittle Award Winner
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