Space is an incredible place. Some are lucky enough to follow their childhood dreams and work supportive roles in the commercial space industry. A select few have the unique opportunity to visit. Whether you are preparing for a job in the Space Industry, or you are planning to enter Space yourself, Flight Research can help!
Flight Research offers two training courses to help you follow your dreams: Spaceflight Readiness Training and The Professional Space Course
These two courses, designed for Space Travelers, Professionals, and Enthusiasts, are based on training received by NASA Astronaut Candidates as they prepare for a career in Spaceflight. Taught by a former NASA Astronaut, they cover broad range of space-related topics and experiences, allowing you to exceed your ambitions in whatever Space-related endeavor you are pursuing.
Spaceflight Readiness Training – Two-, Three- and Four-Day Courses
The Flight Research Spaceflight Readiness Training program is aimed at getting the prospective Space Flyer exceptionally ready for their unique experience. Particualry in sub-orbital missions, every second matters. Make the most of it by preparing and training at Flight Research.
We offer two-, three- and four-day customizable options for training. All courses begin with a solid core academic curriculum on day 1. We cover space history, the space environment, orbital mechanics, and other relevant topics to help you better understand the environment into which you are about to enter. The afternoon is tailored to your specific mission and training needs which may include such topics as space medicine, photography, living and working in Space, or other fitting topics. We will also prepare for our upcoming training flights.
The flights you fly over the next several days are your choice. We offer an all-attitude flight in our Impala Jet, a Zero- and Reduced-G flight in our Saberliner, and a High Performance Flight in our T38, the same type of jet NASA Astronauts use for their Spaceflight Readiness training! Based on your needs and desires, you can pick one, two, or all three.
High Performance T-38 Flight

All Attitude Impala Flight
Our Aermacchi Impalas afford the trainee the opportunity to experience a wide variety of high and low g-forces, and a variety of attitudes, so that they may be better prepared of the ascent and entry phase of their mission and be better able to cope with the weightless environment. Among our many flight maneuvers, we conduct spins and zero-airspeed tailslides, experiencing momentary weightlessness, to better prepare the prospective space flyer for their mission.
Zero- and Reduced-G Sabreliner Flight
Our North American Sabreliner is uniquely capable to explore the experience of weightlessness in Space. We will perform a series of parabolas allowing the Space flyer an opportunity to practice maneuvering in the environment. We will also present moon and Mars simulated gravities to further enhance the reduced-G experience and introduce Earth atmospheric entry effects.

Can’t Find The Courses You Need?
Review our pilot course schedule, request a quote for a custom course or find out more about Flight Research International’s services.
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