The Flight Research Jet Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (UPRT) course is ideal for pilots seeking the best in UPRT training. Pilots train in up to three different types of aircraft, the North American Sabreliner, the MB-326 Impala and the Slingsby T-67 Firefly, working their way up in complexity and performance while honing their skills. The course begins with studies in advanced aerodynamics and aircraft performance as related to aircraft loss of control throughout the full flight envelope. We discuss certification criteria (we have a number of test pilots on staff!) and relate that to our universal method of upset recovery. Our course was developed and has evolved over the years to include application of industry standards and apply current upset prevention and recovery emphasis items.
Jet UPRT – One, Two, Three, and Four Day Courses
We offer courses to meet everyone’s needs. Our 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-day courses will fit your budget and ensure you are properly trained to minimize upset encounters and, should you find yourself in an upset, safely recover using the proper tools.
All of our Jet UPRT courses begin with a half day of academics. Here, we discuss aerodynamics, propulsion, stability, energy concepts, and certification criteria. We relate these topics to Upset Prevention and Recovery and give you the tools to deal with Upsets. In the afternoon, you will fly one of our Sabreliner aircraft where we apply what we learned in the morning. From there, the rest of the week is determined by you.

Our curriculum:
- Meets ICAO Annex 1 & 6: Standards for Upset Recovery Training & Certification
- Is FAA approved: Letter of Authorization granted to Flight Research for upset training
- Meets FAA AC 120-111 Upset Recovery Training Requirements
- Meets EASA Requirements established in EASA Annex I – Subpart H and J
AirCraft Used:
- T-67 Slingsby Extra-300
- MB-326 Impala
- North American Sabreliner
Flight proficiency is important. We recommend UPRT be taken every two years to ensure foremost awareness of upset recognition and skill retention for proper in-flight recovery techniques.
BASIC and ESSENTIAL Jet UPRT – One and Two Day Courses
Basic 1 Day
Essential 2 Day
– Two Day Course
Our newest Jet Offering! The HEAVY JET 2-day UPRT course utilizes our Sabreliners for all your in-flight training. We combine academic and flight training from our ESSENTIAL Course with that from our HIPER course to offer you an exceptional opportunity utilizing the unique capabilities of our Sabreliners – all in two days! The morning of the first day is full of world-class academics to prepare you for your Sabreliner UPRT sorite later that day. The second day begins with acadmics again, this time concentrating on higher speeds and altitudes typically flown by higher performance aircraft. That afternoon, you will fly a second Sabreliner sortie using manuevers developed for our HIPER course. It truly is a unique training opportunity only offered at Flight Research.
If your needs or desires do not include the all-attitude training available in our ejection-seat equipped Impala, consider our HEAVY JET UPRT course!

– Three Day Course
The first day is similar to the ESSENTIAL course where we concentrate on theory and the Saberliner UPRT flight. The second day starts with a flight in the Impala where we explore the building blocks of Upset Prevention and Recovery. We then head back to the classroom for more in depth training, including physiology and case studies. The third day includes another Impala flight where we perform advanced Upset recovery maneuvers.
– Four Day Course
The COMPRENSIVE 4-day course is targeted to those who do not have much experience in all attitude flying or flight beyond 60 degrees angle of bank. This course eases you in to this experience by adding a flight in our Firefly on day 2 and contains all of the elements in our 3-day course so you graduate with a comprehensive understanding of UPRT.
Can’t Find The Courses You Need?
Review our pilot course schedule, request a quote for a custom course or find out more about Flight Research International’s services.
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